Friday, October 5, 2007

This weekend here at good 'ol Uni-V-Vir-gin-i-a is fall break. As most students, from the northern areas of the Old Dominion, Richmond area, or other parts tend to return home for this four day weekend to visit their parents, I will be staying here in C-ville with most out-of-staters and other people who just didn't feel like spending the time and money on that train ticket or other means of transport. However, I only live a convenient 30 minutes away and will be returning home at least once this weekend for a delicious home cooked meal. Being the nice guy that I am, I often bring friends home to my かぞく either just for dinner or if I know that they live much farther away and are not as fortunate to live in a commuting county to Charlottesville. Hint: get on my good side, convince me to like you, and maybe you can ride up in my decade old Crown Vic for some very good food or a bass fishing boat ride on Greene Mountain Lake. That's, by the way, another thing I might do this weekend during fall break (before it gets too cold). I might also head down to Williamsburg to, as the folks down there would say, the original university of Virginia. I'll be visiting some old high school friends whom I haven't seen in quite some time. Anyways, with all of that useless knowledge that very little people could possibly utilize, I hope you all do obtain as much utility from this "reading weekend as you can." Keep up with the studies and use this time to catch back up in classes, the beginning of the year came quick and the rest will only come quicker. So, especially to first years, just keep ahead and you'll do fine! But have fun as well, of course!

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